If you are interested in our services, we are happy to visit you for a consultation appointment. This professional consultation lasts around one hour and gives you an opportunity to raise any questions you may have. Should you choose to book with us, we will make a detailed plan together regarding your individual needs and those of your family.
Most women choose to have their antenatal appointments in their own home and we ensure that the timing facilitates opportunities to get to know the rest of the family and to meet other birth partners prior to the birth.

The usual antenatal appointment schedule comprises:
Visits every 4 weeks until 28 weeks
Visits every 2 weeks until 36 weeks
Then weekly visits until the birth of your baby​
During these visits we will check your blood pressure, test your urine and assess the well being, growth and position of your baby. There is ample time for us to discuss any current concerns regarding the pregnancy, to help you prepare for labour and most importantly for the time after the birth.
We can put you in touch with childbirth educators and alternative practitioners in your vicinity. Should input from an Obstetrician become necessary at any point during your pregnancy, we will help you find one sympathetic to your needs and will gladly accompany you to any consultations.
You have access to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss worries or concerns.
Labour and Birth
In labour we will offer you the support and guidance that meets your and your partner’s needs. We will stay until you are tucked into bed with your new baby.

After the birth we offer you daily visits for the first week. There are often lots of questions regarding the little person that has joined your family, and we can help you with breastfeeding and ensure that you recover well from giving birth.
As your confidence grows you will need to see us less and less; and by four weeks we usually say good bye.